Getting Started Digitalisierung. Megatrend, Hype und Revolution in einem. Mindestens aber ein Thema, das alle Teile eines Unternehmens, von der Geschäftsführung bis zum Arbeitnehmer, betrifft. Die Notwendigkeit für Unternehmen, sich mit dieser Thematik zu beschäftigen, wird von Wissenschaftlern, Experten und von der Politik immer kräftiger betont und das mit voller Berechtigung. Die (Digitalisierungs-) Mechanismen und Technologien sind so vielfältig und mächtig, dass sich jedes Unternehmen bedienen und an der Gestaltung von digitalen Produkten, Prozessen und Geschäftsmodellen wachsen kann. In unserem letzten Blogbeitrag haben wir bereits die wichtigsten Gründe analysiert, aus denen Digitalisierungsprojekte scheitern. Die Hauptgründe aus unserer Sicht als [...]
A topic that is rarely discussed because it is difficult to present is the failure of digitalization projects . On the one hand this is understandable, since nobody likes to publicly emphasize the failure of a project that is driven forward with a lot of energy and possibly also a lot of money. On the other hand, the professional exchange loses a lot of experience. Similarly, the danger of a repetition cannot be countered by other participants for similar reasons. Therefore, some of the practical experiences gained in everyday consulting will be presented here and some of the reasons for [...]
Ein selten besprochenes, da wenig vorzeigbares Thema, sind gescheiterte Digitalisierungsprojekte . Das ist einerseits nachvollziehbar, stellt doch niemand das Scheitern eines mit viel Energie und unter Umständen auch viel Geld vorangetriebenen Projektes gern öffentlich heraus. Andererseits verliert der fachliche Austausch dadurch erheblich an Erfahrungen. Ebenfalls kann so der Gefahr einer Wiederholung aus ähnlichen Gründen durch andere Beteiligte nicht begegnet werden. Hier sollen daher einige, der aus der Praxis im Beratungsalltag gewonnen Erfahrungen, dargestellt und einige der Gründe für das Scheitern von Projekten vorgestellt werden. Zunächst stellt sich jedoch die Frage: Was sind Digitalisierungsprojekte? In diesem Beitrag gehen wir eher [...]
In addition to the possibility of using software such as the Teamcenter PDM system as supplied by the manufacturer, many customers take the opportunity to implement their own ideas of processes and views. The following example shows how the user interface of the Siemens Teamcenter PDM system can be customized and how the company's own program logic can be integrated. What is Teamcenter RAC? The Rich Application Client (RAC) is Teamcenter's most widely used user interface. With the help of the RAC, the user can access all Teamcenter functionalities that are important. A Rich Application Client generally, a graphical user [...]
Modern Internet portals for B2B and B2C are characterized by high functionalities and interfaces to a multitude of partners. There is great potential in them: SWMS develops customized cloud application s to increase the added value of companies. New business and service models can thus be implemented. Challenges Tönjes Holding AG as part of a long company history has been involved in License plate production since 1960. Today, the portfolio comprises of services from the construction of machines to the production of metal and plastic license plates to the complete service for license plates and registration of motor vehicles. More [...]
With the customized software design ed for Claudius Peters, SWMS provides a consistent, uniform platform and database for the entire design process in plant construction. It covers all steps from project design, calculation and recalculation to the output of flowcharts and documentation. Challenges The Claudius Peters Group can look back on over 100 years of company history in the cement industry. As part of the group, Claudius Peters Projects GmbH with over 600 employees worldwide manufactures mixing plants, grinding and calcining plants, clinker coolers, silos and conveyor systems. Their range of services extends from plant planning to commissioning and after-sales [...]
With the technical possibilities of Internet of Things and Cloud, complex and innovative solutions can be realized. Data and information about a physical product are thus available in all phases of the lifecycle. Challenges With the boom of "e-bikes" or "pedelecs", the bicycle suddenly develops from a simple everyday device that can be understood and repaired by everyone into a complex electronic article. Accordingly, the cyclist usage behaviour, the maintenance requirements, and the demands on workshops and technology changes. For manufacturers, it is not only a matter of networking (creating an e-bike online platform ) the increasing number of components [...]
For the wind turbine manufacturer Senvion SE, research into comprehensive methods and tools for a predictive maintenance strategy for services was of great interest. Taking various data sources into account, SWMS contributed to a Data Analytics prototype. Challenges The aim of the project "preInO - Methods and tools for the predictive maintenance of offshore wind turbines" was the realization of a predictive maintenance strategy for offshore wind turbines using artificial intelligence and automatic self-organization. The challenge was to provide the best possible prediction of the condition of a component or system from different data sources. This knowledge served as a [...]
The software ADM brings manufacturing know-how better into offline programming. The powerful enhancements integrate deburring operations into production planning. Time-consuming programming on the machine and extensive reworking are a thing of the past. Challenges When it comes to deburring components, many manufacturers immediately think of such keywords as "time consuming", "personnel costs" and "financial costs". Automatic deburring is the first step towards consistent production quality and a reduction in personnel costs. Particularly with small batch sizes, the necessary NC programming however opens up further challenges, the automation of which holds savings potential. Optimum NX integration, intuitive operation and support for [...]